Kaija Saariaho memorial concert

“Mother, could you close the pillow?”

Kaija Saariaho, one of Finland’s internationally best-known and esteemed composers, heard music in her head as a child and when she went to sleep, she concluded that the music must come from the pillow.

Saariaho is known for his courage to combine traditional orchestral instruments with electronic sounds, thus creating fascinating soundscapes. Her music clearly reflects an artistic vision, where sounds and colors form almost dreamlike harmonies. Saariaho’s repertoire includes over 100 works, including five operas, the most recent is Innocence, which achieved huge success and is considered a masterpiece.

Kaija Saariaho passed away on June 2, 2023, and in honor of the great master composer’s memory, we will hear Saariaho’s vocal and chamber music works at the Savonlinna Hall, interpreted by Anu Komsi, Silja Aalto, Sakari Oramo, Anssi Karttunen, Lambis Pavlou and Jukka Nykänen.

  • Anu Komsi


  • Silja Aalto


  • Sakari Oramo


  • Anssi Karttunen


  • Jukka Nykänen


  • Lambis Pavlou


  • Ville Matvejeff


  • Duration

    approx. 40 min


  • Kaija Saariaho

    Luonnon kasvot (2013)
    Lullaby (2020)
    Changing Light (2002)
    Mirage (2007)

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