Don Giovanni

W. A. Mozart

An exasperating showman, the quicksilver of eroticism, Don Giovanni promises women love, and here we go again. He is as incredible as he is unfaithful: the seductions can be counted by the thousand, and at least three take place during this evening’s opera alone. No wonder Casanova himself is said to have attended the first performance in Prague in 1787.

If the protagonist is reckless, Mozart, the composer, had everything under control. Don Giovanni is a masterpiece and one of the five exceptionally popular operas with which Mozart made history. He not only established the framework for the music of his time, but also blew it apart.

‘As usual, he promises love, fidelity and marriage, asking only for a brief moment of passion in his castle in return.’ 

Waltteri Torikka and Ukrainian baritone Yuriy Yurchuk take the leading roles. The young international star cast also includes Tuuli Takala, Annika Leino and Sonja Herranen. Mika Kares and Matti Turunen play the role of the furious Commendatore who defends his daughter’s honour to the last breath. But whose last breath?

How does the plot of Don Giovanni unfold? Read the synopsis here.


  • Conductor

    Andrea Sanguineti

  • Director

    Paul-Émile Fourny

  • Set designer

    Poppi Ranchetti

  • Costume designer

    Giovanna Fiorentini

  • Lighting designer

    Patrik Méeüs

  • Chorus master

    Jan Schweiger

  • Savonlinna Opera Festival Choir
    Savonlinna Opera Festival Orchestra

  • Savonlinnan Oopperajuhlakuoro
    Savonlinnan Oopperajuhlaorkesteri

  • Language


  • Surtitles

    Finnish and English

  • Duration

    approx. 3 hrs 10 min, one interval


Yuriy Yurchuk
Don Giovanni 10., 17. & 23.7.
Waltteri Torikka
Don Giovanni 13., 20. & 25.7.
Mika Kares
Commendatore 10., 13. & 17.7.
Matti Turunen
Commendatore 20., 23. & 25.7.
Marjukka Tepponen
Donna Anna 10., 17. & 23.7.
Johanna Nylund
Donna Anna 13., 20. & 25.7.
Johan Krogius
Don Ottavio 13., 20. & 25.7.
Joshua Owen Mills
Don Ottavio 10., 17. & 23.7.
Annika Leino
Donna Elvira 13., 20. & 25.7.
Sonja Herranen
Donna Elvira 10., 17. & 23.7.
Henning von Schulman
Kristian Lindroos
Masetto 10., 20. & 23.7.
Jussi Merikanto
Masetto 13., 17. & 25.7.
Iris Candelaria

‘The true genre of this masterpiece is not opera buffa or opera giocoso as defined by the librettist Da Ponte, but rather a new genre that could have been called the first romantic opera.’ – Director Paul-Émile Fourny 

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