
Giuseppe Verdi

New in 2024’s summer opera season is this powerful portrayal of the lust for power and lost freedom. When we ask what you would like to see, Nabucco always comes up. This new Nabucco is directed by the award-winning Rodula Gaitanou: ‘Climate change is the most serious war of our time and it is being waged against nature. Our version is an ecological manifesto.’ The staging is inspired by the design language of Babylonian pyramids and palaces.

Nabucco takes place in a fascinatingly timeless past. Director Rodula Gaitanou and designer takis depict the story with sharpness and freshness, while preserving its epic scale. It’s not just about war and an oppressed people; it’s also about love.

Nabucco is famous for its magnificent choral scenes. 

In the world created by Gaitanou and stage designer takis, Nabucco leads a group of technocrats who believe in plastic, machinery and individualism. In this production of Nabucco, the two male leads are matched by Abigaille and Fenena, resulting in four instead of two equally important leading roles.

Nabucco is famous for its magnificent choral scenes. The grand chorus is like one of the characters in the opera. The hit of the evening, Va, pensiero from the Hebrew slaves, strikes to the very heart. The High Priest’s role is sung by bass Mika Kares.

How does the plot of Nabucco unfold? Read the synopsis here.

Note! In Nabucco, there will be brief use of strobe lighting and heavy theatrical smoke as special effects.


  • Conductor

    Ville Matvejeff 6., 11., 16., 19. & 22.7.
    James Sherlock 8., 24. & 26.7.

  • Director

    Rodula Gaitanou

  • Set and costume designer


  • Lighting designer

    Jake Wiltshire

  • Choreographer and Assistant Director

    Lauren Poulton

  • Chorus Master

    Jan Schweiger

  • Savonlinna Opera Festival Choir
    Savonlinna Opera Festival Orchestra

  • Language


  • Surtitles

    Finnish and English

  • Duration

    approx. 3 hrs, incl. one interval



Gabriele Viviani
Nabucco 6., 16., 22. & 26.7.
Devid Cecconi
Nabucco 8., 11., 19. & 24.7.
Marigona Qerkezi
Annalisa Stroppa
Fenena 6., 11., 19., 24. & 26.7.
Margareta Matišić
Fenena 8., 16. & 22.7.
Mika Kares
Zaccaria 6.7., 8.7., 11.7. & 16.7.
Vazgen Gazaryan
Zaccaria 19., 22., 24. & 26.7.
Anthony Ciaramitaro
Ismaele 6., 11., 19., 24. & 26.7.
Johan Krogius
Ismaele 8., 16. & 22.7.
Stanislav Šeljahhovski
The High Priest of Baal
Yusniel Estrada
Johanna Nylund

“Viviani clearly showed Nabucco’s weakness and mental degradation while delineating both vocally and dramatically the emotional arc that this character goes through.”

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