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Change of soloist in Nabucco – Marigona Qerkezi as Abigaille in all performances

There has been a change in the cast for the first night of Nabucco. Unfortunately Oksana Dyka, who had been cast as Abigaille, has had to cancel her visit to Savonlinna. Croatian Marigona Qerkezi will now sing Abigaille in all of this summer’s performances of Nabucco.  

Qerkezi was born in Zagreb and is a graduate of the University of Priština’s Faculty of Arts as a singer and flautist; her repertoire initially included lyric soprano roles by Mozart, Rossini and Donizetti. Over the course of her career, she has increasingly expanded her repertoire to include leading soprano roles in Verdi and Puccini operas. The winner of many competitions, Qerkezi made her professional debut as the Queen of the Night at the age of only 22.  

Read more about Marigona Qerkezi here.

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