Giulio Cesare

G. F. Händel

Due to the pandemic situation and the uncertainties around large events, we must give up on all our opera performances in July 2021. 

If you have tickets, don’t worry. You can now move your tickets and make a reservation for the performance of your choice in summer 2022. Read more here 

Concerts and a singing competition will bring joy to this summer. Read more: Information about the concerts

Baroque operas were born at a time when the Age of Enlightenment was budding and the great philosophers pondered the mysteries of existence. Masters from Rubens to Rembrandt and Shakespeare had revolutionised aesthetic thinking, while it was fashionable for composers to focus on affections, the expressions of specific emotions. Opera was an ideal art form for the ostentatious and dramatic Baroque era.

The love story of Julius Caesar and queen Cleopatra ranks as one of Handel’s best operas. Power, attraction and love are entangled in a work of art that is brought to life by enchanting music and realistic characters. This production by Croatian National Theatre flies higher than most – quite literally so! Giulio Cesare features awe-inspiring acrobatics as well as opera.

Giulio Cesare is making history at the Opera Festival. It’s the first ever baroque opera on the stage of Olavinlinna.

Read synopsis.

See also their guest performances of Werther.


  • Conductor

    Ville Matvejeff

  • Director and dramaturg

    Marin Blažević

  • Set designers

    Alan Vukelić & Marin Blažević

  • Costume designer

    Sandra Dekanić

  • Lighting designer

    Dalibor Fugošić & Marin Blažević

  • Projection designers

    Dobriša Radovanović & Alan Vukelić

  • Choreographer

    Michele Pastorini

  • Rijeka Symphony Orchestra

  • Rijeka Opera Choir
  • Ballet of the Croatian National Theatre Ivan pl. Zajc
  • Language



Diana Haller
Giulio Cesare
Anamarija Knego
Rachel Kelly
Dubravka Šeparović Mušović
Sonja Runje
Luka Ortar
Franko Klisović
Ivan Šimatović
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