We are hiring

We are looking for: a producer, a technical producer and a producer-stage director

Savonlinna Opera Festival

The Savonlinna Opera Festival is the most well-known Finnish cultural event abroad and a major tourist attraction. The festival is maintained by its supporters: In the background operates a non-profit support association, which is open to everyone. The festival, which attracts a yearly audience of approximately 70,000 visitors, is implemented with exceptionally large self-financing: 86 % of the operation is covered by ticket revenue, corporate partnerships and donations. Three quarters of the budget of approximately EUR 8 million consist of artistic and technical production costs, i.e. the work required to realise the month-long festival in the medieval Olavinlinna Castle.

During the festival season, up to 1,200 people work to bring unique opera experiences to life. Opera art, internationality and the castle experience are at the centre of our strategy.

Below you will find more detailed information on currently available jobs.